Anti-gunners mistake “full auto rigging” satire for real tutorial, nearly set the internet on fire

Anti-gunners mistake “full auto rigging” satire for real tutorial, nearly set the internet on fire

Whenever there’s a national tragedy involving firearms, there’s usually a string of news reports or op-eds written by people who know nothing about guns.

YouTuber Andy Orlando released a satirical video where he pretends to be an anti-gunner explaining how to convert a semi-automatic weapon to full auto with little more than a “mil-spec butter knife.”

It’s obvious the video is satirical as soon as he says, “I kinda go on the economic side here, but there is a company called Hi-Point that makes very, very top-notch quality versions of these weapons systems.” He goes on to recommend Hi-Point for anyone who “has that kind of money to spend.”

The video below is ridiculous and hilarious, if you have the right context. Our favorite line? “Please don’t call this a magazine. It’s a clip. Gun guys hate that.”

Unsurprisingly, many viewers believed it was real. They must not have read Orlando’s description, “Note, please realize this is satire. If you own a firearm and think any aspect of this video is serious please sell your weapons immediately and take up tennis or another hobby.”

We couldn’t agree more!