Oblivious shooter ignores major problem with weapon, keeps on firing

Oblivious shooter ignores major problem with weapon, keeps on firing

While standing in a group on the firing line, one shooter misses a major problem with his weapon. We’re not sure how he couldn’t notice it, maybe he was too distracted by the brass that keeps hitting him in the head. Watch the video below to see if you can spot the problem. If you give up just keep scrolling down.

In case you missed it, he’s installed the brand new β€˜dynamic eye-relief’ scope. Just kidding, he’s got those screws a little loose, and his zero is long gone. The now useless scope slides freely back and forth through the rings with every shot as he releases and slaps the trigger with all his might preparing for the next blast of recoil.

Some viewers honestly believe this is a special shock absorbing scope mount that’s supposed to move with each shot. It’s not. Even if it was, why are his knobs at that awkward 45Β° angle. Need further proof? The guy behind him has the same scope and mount and everything is stone still.

We’re not sure which is funnier, the fact that his scope is sliding all over the place or that he’s eating every spent casing from the shooter to his left.