The CRAB is inspired by offroad desert racing buggies with adjustable ground clearance. These features coupled with the 4×4 drive allow the CRAB to move at incredible speed across rough terrain.
Gun & Knife Blog
Ultra-rare handheld minigun in 7.62 — Hang on and enjoy the ride
Richard tests the effectiveness of some AR500 armor against his new toy, but the recoil is almost too much to handle. Watch the barrels rise as he’s pushed back with every trigger pull.
World’s smallest hand cannon — Meet the .45-70 DERRINGER
Take a look at the strangest Derringer you’ll ever see in the video below.
Zipline shooting range lets you take aim from the sky
Zip-line shooting is apparently a thing now. Strapped into a harness, your hands are free to take aim while you soar through the course.
308 vs 7.62 NATO, When Is It Safe To Switch Rounds?
Full-auto weapons tend to prefer thicker brass, and the 7.62mm NATO is built to stretch in a wide range of chambers.
Father and son perish while dad struggles to chamber his empty carry weapon
The victim in the video below learned that half a second can make all the difference in the world.
Giant magazine backpack dispenses box magazines
This giant magazine backpack dispenses magazines like a Pez dispenser designed for the pro-2A community.
Glass Shotgun Slugs With a Shrapnel Core Are An Absolute Nightmare
Watch TAOFLEDERMAUS put these slugs to the test in the video below.
Gunsmith uses 19th Century technology to fight ridiculous gun laws
Gunsmiths across the country have been developing new concepts to sidestep these backwards laws. Mean Arms went the other direction and looked to past technology for inspiration.
223 vs 5.56 — What’s the difference?
Actually, there are wide variety of rounds that can be called either .223 or 5.56, but this discussion focuses on the two most popular cartridges, the .223 Remington and 5.56x45mm NATO.
AA-12 Semi-Auto Finally Available On Civilian Market
The semi-auto version of the Atchisson Assault-12 became a reality thanks to the hard work of Boje Cornils and Sol Invictus Arms.
Man makes pipe-guns from scrap, sells them to gun “buyback” program for $300
While they are intended to “take guns off the street,” a surprisingly few number of criminals choose to participate in these government sponsored events.
Navy SEAL says AR-15 is necessary to give average Americans the advantage they need
Now serving as a NRA commentator, Rasso speaks out against new legislation attempting to ban the AR-15 and similar rifles.
Fully functional 8-shot revolver can made at home by anyone with a 3D printer
By far most of weapon control allies have no clue about the fact that it is so natural to assemble your own gun.
Range Time With Double Barrel Pump Shotgun is Magical
I definitely want one not sure what I would use it for, but who cares it’s a double-barrel pump gun.
Shotgun Shells Loaded with Broadheads – Test Fire [VIDEO]
The YouTube team over at TOAFLEDERMAUS, received beta versions of a shotgun round loaded with “Sabot Micro-Arrows” to test their stability and accuracy. It turns out they offer pretty good penetration but the accuracy may be a little questionable.
Worlds smallest shotgun with 3.5-inch shells (VIDEO)
The video is over 16 minutes long, with many different rounds tested. The best one comes at the 5-minute mark when he uses the 3.5-inch shells.
Shooting .50BMG from worlds smallest sawed-off shotgun {VIDEO}
Kajaskaar on YouTube decided to try that on his sawed-off shotgun! He starts the video by saying, “Let’s get really really stupid.”
Shooting Asian Carp with a Shotgun [VIDEO]
So seeing a video of someone using the fish as skeet is not surprising and to be honest looks like fun.
Shooting Pennies Out of a Shotgun [VIDEO]
This experiment lies somewhere in the middle. It does not seem that dangerous, but could possibly damage your gun, but also only mildly effective.